principle of minimum bending strain energy 弯曲应变能最小准则
bending energy 弯曲能
Bending strain 弯曲应变; 挠应变; 弯应变; 抗弯应变; 挠胁变; 弯曲胁变; 弯曲应力
Dynamic bending strain 动态弯曲应变
maximum bending strain 最大弯曲应变
minimizing the bending energy of surfaces 最小弯曲曲面能
The minimum bending energy method 最小弯曲能量
Accumulated strain energy close by sliding plane 临床聚能
analysis using strain energy method 搅拌摩擦加工; 变形能分析
Annual accumulation of strain energy density 应变能密度变化率
Coherent Strain Energy 共格畸变能
complementary strain energy 补应变能
Compressing strain energy 压缩应变能
Compression strain energy 压缩应变能
Crustal strain-energy density 地壳应变能密度
curvature strain energy 弯曲应变能
cyclic plastic strain energy 循环塑性应变能
Cyclic plasticity strain energy 循环塑性应变能
Densification strain energy 密实化应变能